A complimentary call to discuss your wellness circumstances and needs.
With this call, you can be confident you are with the right coach without any upfront investment cost.
DURATION: 30 minutes
Included in every coaching program.
At the beginning of the engagement you will develop a clear vision of the wellness you want to create in your life.
You will need to book two sessions (2-7 days apart) for creating your wellness vision.
DURATION: 60 minutes
Identify, explore, validate, refine, and prioritize your objectives and goals.
Co-create a plan that fits into your unique life including strategies to help you stay on track when life's events get in the way.
A plan of action to tackle your goal(s) is put into place -- including strategies for staying on track when challenges pop up.
Using the accountability stragey of your choosing, the coach will help you stay powerfully motivated.
DURATION: 60 minutes
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